For counting card points, there are counting methods as follows.
- A face card is worth 1 point.
- Face cards 2-9 have the same value as the number on the face of the card.
- The 10, J, Q and K face cards are worth 0 points.

In case of the same card value, measured by the size of the suit from spades > hearts > diamonds > clubs. Where the largest card in the deck is K of spades and the smallest card is A of UFABET clubs. There are also special sets of cards sent. Effect on winning and losing as well. Which will be arranged from a large set of cards to a small one as follows
Tong > Straight Flush > Sort > Sian > Color > Point
- Three cards means three cards with the same number. In the nine card , 3 is the biggest card. Because the total points are 9 points, then the size will be reduced in order. Tong A > Tong K > Tong Q > Tong J > Tong 10 > Tong 9 > Tong 8 > Tong 7 > Tong 6 > Tong 5 > Tong 4 > Tong 2
- Straight Flush is a numbered card of the same suit only. For judging, look at the size of the cards from big to small, namely spades > hearts > diamonds > clubs. If in that round there are more than 1 straight flush and the same flower will see who’s cards are higher. The highest card is QKA and the lowest card is A23.
- Straight-up cards are similar to straight flushes, except they do not have to be of the same suit. The highest ranking card is QKA and the lowest ranking card is A23.
- Sian cards are three foreigner group cards consisting of J, Q, K. The condition of the Sian card set is that all 3 cards must be in the group of three foreigner cards. And two of the three cards must be the same face card, such as KKQ, KKJ, QQK, QQJ, JJK, JJQ, etc. If in that round someone gets more than 1 master card, they can decide by using the controller. Sorted from big to small as follows: spades K > Q > J Heart K > Q > J Diamond K > Q > J Clubs K > Q > J
Colored cards are cards of the same suit that do not require consecutive points. For the measurement of points, it will be viewed from the size of the cards. Which are spades > hearts > diamonds > clubs.
- The point card is regarded as the lowest card set of Nine Gae because it uses only the point counting method. If the score is more than 9, take only the unit digit. If the points are equal, look at the controller of the cards, in order from K > Q > J > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1. If the controller is still equal, look at Card flowers, arranged from black hearts > hearts > diamonds > clubs, as before.